Gut bacteria is key to prevention of cancer

More and more researches have shown that the “good” bacteria, or probiotic, found in our intestines have an important part in managing obesity and preventing disease. Now, it has been proven that gut bacteria also helps in preventing cancer.

According to the researchers at the University of California, it is shown that the medicinal properties linked with certain types of gut bacteria can slow down the growth of certain cancers.

With these findings, it means that quality probiotics taken regularly has a positive impact on the prevent of cancer via the anti-inflammatory bacteria in the intestinal tract.

As reported by Science Daily:

“Ultimately, doctors might be able to reduce a person’s risk for cancer by analyzing the levels and types of intestinal bacteria in the body, and then prescribing probiotics to replace or bolster the amount of bacteria with anti-inflammatory properties, said Robert Schiestl, professor of pathology, environmental health sciences and radiation oncology at UCLA and the study’s senior author.”

‘Good’ gut bacteria

Inside our bodies, there are trillions of bacteria cells – divided into “good” and “bad”. Good bacteria fights inflammation while the bad bacteria exacerbates it.

Hence, the key to having a good health is to consume abundant amount of food filled with natural probiotic strains. The benefits are immerse: cancer prevention, stronger immunity to numerous diseases, better digestion, and weight loss!

One other example of food with good bacteria is yogurt. Others include kefir which is fermented from goat’s milk. Let us know if you wish to learn more about foods with abundance of probiotic.

Best way to lose weight

It’s very heartening to know that modern researches are acknowledging the importance of probiotic to our diets. The quality of food we consume has deteriorated so much that obesity is now a big national issues in developed countries. The healthcare a nation needs to spend on taking care of the obese is costing a lot of money and tax payers.

That is why it is important that we start to take good care of our health and prevent obesity for the thought of the next generation and also our ageing days. This also keeps the dreaded forms of cancer away from your life.

You can start to include probiotic-rich food from now on. If this proves to be cumbersome, there are supplements that are helpful. Probiotic Svelte is a great example of quality probiotic supplement which you can order online via this website.

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